Rocky Point boat ramp becomes a rocky point

Published Monday 7 September 2015

Concerned users of the recently-upgraded Rocky Point ramp met today with Mayor Julie Leu and local MP Billy Gordon to express their concerns about the upgrade.

The purpose of the informal gathering was to listen to the concerns from the local community over the issues resulting from the recent upgrade.

Back in April, the Hon Mark Bailey Minister for Main Roads, Road Safety and Ports announced that the $1 million ramp upgrade “would improve safety and make it easier for boaties to access the mouth of the Daintree River and nearby Snapper Island."

This upgrade is part of the government's $30 million marine infrastructure fund and is made available for various marine projects which include boat ramps or upgrading fishing facilities.

However, the community voiced the project upgrade, under the former government, has not delivered.  Mayor Julia Leu mentioned that concerns were raised to Council three weeks ago.  The Hon Billy Gordon MP said he has received a number of calls and emails and had discussions concerning the matter.

“There are a lot of people who own boats in that region, and I don’t think there was robust community consultation and unfortunately we now have a situation.  There is some improvement but it’s not completely right.  If it’s good enough for the government to receive registration payments from boat owners, then it’s good enough for them to do it right,” said Mr Gordon.

The issues discussed focused predominately on the safety aspects caused by the upgrade. In particular users commented that the groin was not extended nor dog legged and the pillars should have stainless steel buoys to be able to tie up the bow and stern of their boats.  There is also the issue of the south east swell causing waves, which the groin, if built correctly would protect the boaties.  Another point raised was “the end of the ramp should have an ‘apron’ rather than a drop off.”

The residents’ main concern was that the Rocky Point boat ramp was the only conveniently located ramp, sighting Daintree or Port Douglas as the alternatives.  This causes an issue for emergency services, as this would be their only access.

It was suggested that the ramp be deemed unusable in order to put pressure on the government that the ramp is dangerous to the community.

Another alternative mentioned was the Newell Beach boat ramp, however it was quickly established that the purpose of this meeting was to address Rocky Point boat ramp issues.

Gordon said “I’ll be taking the community concerns back to the department in order to seek a meeting with the Minister to identify the issues as well as the key people both local and in Brisbane.

“We need to identify the primary users and those who have local knowledge.  The issues need to be clear and concise so that firstly the government can understand and then acknowledge there is an issue,” said Mr Gordon.

Regarding the point raised about closing off the ramp, Mayor Julia Leu stated that Council will have to get involved and would require to set out the conditions and parameters, should that be the case.

At the conclusion of the meeting, it was planned for MP Billy Gordon and Mayor Julia Leu to visit the site for further inspection, which the group said it would be the perfect timing due to low tide.