Sugar Festival moves onwards and upwards

Published Wednesday 14 October 2015

The Sugar Festival Charity Ball run by the Mossman Community Centre made its second appearance last Friday 9th Oct hosted at Mossman Shire Hall.

The guest list of over a hundred ticket holders read like a who’s who of Mossman. Entertainment was again provided by the incorrigible Tony George and his excellent band.  Tony MC’d the evening and presented the auctions and raffle prize announcements.

Organisers Nicole Falstein, Desley Lloyd and their team of fantastic volunteers were delighted with the evening.  About $3,500 was raised for the Centre from ticket sales, auction and raffles.

The guests were treated to a mixed bag of highly entertaining dance presentations from the Sassy Girls who captivated the audience with some very innovative routines and fantastic costumes.

Major sponsor Billy Quaid from MPTD made an amusing speech reminding guests how you know you are from Mossman, which had the older generation giggling into their wines.  He also introduced his ideas on how to expand and extend the Sugar Festival with motor racing around the town and more community involvement to re-enliven many of the traditional activities that were so much fun not so many years ago!

The Sugar Festival Charity Ball has established itself over the last two years as a must do event.  We look forward to seeing what the team come up with next year!

Described as both brave and daft, the organisers of the inaugural Sugar Festival Family Fun Day held at George Davis Park, opposite the Saturday Markets, started setting up from 7.30am the morning after the Charity Ball in time for the opening at 9.30am.

Whilst numbers were a little disappointing the organisers were pleased that they had managed to progress the Festival activities on this year to keep the momentum going.
 Co-organiser Roy Weavers said, “We always knew that the festival was going to be a slow build.  We wanted to keep it manageable and aimed 100% at the local community.  Year three next year will see even more expansion of the event calendar with some really exciting ideas being discussed.”

Those who did attend the Family Fun Day enjoyed their rides on the motorised crazy coolers (eskies) plus a whole bunch of backyard games with the giant Jenga (wood block tower) and the target putting proving the most popular. And although many came close, the title of champion, ‘Chip the golf ball in the esky,’ remained unclaimed with no one succeeding to fulfil the task!!

Co-organiser Raelene McDonald and her team ran the sausage sizzle on behalf of the Cancer Council Queensland, which proved a life saver to the small volunteer team who managed to survive the Charity Ball from the night before and help get everything ready in the early morning.

This Family Fun Day, held at George Davis Park, will move next year to the Mossman Golf Club once the Cane Train Fun Run is added to the Sugar Festival Event Calendar 2016.

Check out the website for details of next years festival on Sugar Festival