OPINION: Taking us for a merry ride to the UN

By Howard Salkow

Published Friday 2 October 2015

Politics' merry go round is exactly that. A few years ago when she was in opposition, Julie Bishop criticised then Foreign Minister Bob Carr for taking his wife on overseas 'junkets'.

Ms Bishop, our current Foreign Minister, oblivious of any repercussions, saw fit to have her partner in an adjoining seat at a United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York. Hypocrisy. The understatement of the new government.

For once, Labor's questioning of this decision has my full support. Dear reader, give me one reason why her partner was invited to a UN meeting? Questions such as what is his role in running the foreign affairs of this country are best left alone. She has defended herself, but the reasons are lame.

It's hard not to compare this to the arrogance displayed by former speaker Bronwyn Bishop. Like her namesake, she knew what she was doing. Yet, she defied every principle and took the country for a ride (pun intended). If Tony Abbott had any leadership, he would have immediately nipped this in the bud and sent the speaker packing, sans the fancy transport.

Our new PM Malcolm Turnbull needs to quickly address Julie Bishop's actions. She needs to better explain why she chose her partner and not someone more appropriate in the foreign office. At the moment, our PM sounds like his former barrister-self when he takes to the microphone. Let's hope he does use a closing argument in this case and concede that his Foreign Minister chose the wrong company at the United Nations.