Coral Sea Cup yachties set off under five knots

Published Tuesday 27 October 2015

The Coral Sea Cup Mini Regatta was held at Port Douglas Yacht Club where eight yachts set sail for Rocky Point last Saturday, despite the lack of wind.



  • <link local-racing-skipper-set-for-australasia.13023.0.html>Local Rracing Skipper Set for 2016 Australasia Racing Season


Belinda Cooper, skipper and owner of yacht Agnés, has been sailing the seas for over 15 years.  In preparation for the 2016 Australasian Racing Season, Cooper will continue to organise weekend club racing out of Port Douglas.

Recently becoming Rear Commodore of the Port Douglas Yacht Club, Cooper would like to see more hands on deck and plans to engage the younger generation to come and have a go at sailing.

Cooper even has her four legged friend “Shark Bait” all prepped with his own life jacket ready to set sail on Agnés, as part of the crew.

While Saturday’s winds were not the perfect conditions for racing, Cooper said that practicing in all conditions is all part of the preparation for next year.

“Practicing in every breeze is part of the preparation, and light breeze is the hardest to sail in,” she said.

The results of last weekends Coral Sea Cup mini regatta saw the first day of racing to Rocky Point and back in very light winds.

“The J24 Beaver La Viva won on handicap.  Agnés finished 5th which was unfortunate but mostly due to the lack of wind and using old racing sails.

“Day two was racing to Rocky Point, Low Isles, Rocky Point.  Returning in 10-15 knots Agnés took line honours by over five minutes, the stronger breeze really helping the Beneteau 42.7.  However, once again Beaver La Viva won on handicap.  Light winds suited the J24’s and Port FM Mais Oui was second in both races and Lady Bay third in both,” reported Cooper.

“Thanks to all who attended, a great turnout with eight yachts contesting the regatta,” she said.

Belinda Cooper and Agnés are seeking the support of a Port Douglas business or businesses who are interested in associating themselves with the prestige of open water yacht racing to sponsor her race program.

Sponsors will receive full sail branded exposure along with TV, print and digital media and other benefits. Please contact Kathryn on 0418 107 265 to receive more information.