2015 Douglas Business Awards Voting up and update

2015 Douglas Business & Tourism Awards Voting to close 3 November

Published Wednesday 21 October 2015

With just 14 days left before the voting closes for the 2015 Douglas Business & Tourism Awards it’s interesting to report that the total online vote to date is already higher that the combined total of ALL the voting  (online plus printed voting forms) from 2014.



  • <link douglas-business-tourism-awards-entry.4348.0.html>Douglas Business Tourism Awards Entry
  • <link voting-open-for-douglas-business-awards.12705.0.html>Voting Open for Douglas Business Awards
  • <link>2015 Business Tourism Awards-voting


The total votes for last year was 38,468.  So far to 19th Oct the voting is just passing 40,000 and when the printed voting forms received so far are data captured it’s forecast that the combined total will go well over 50,000 category votes.

Online and printed votes have been received from 22 countries around the world including UK, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Russia, Sweden and even cash strapped Greece.

North America is well represented from Canada and 17 states from the US.  Uruguay, Chile and Argentina fly the flag from South America.  The Asian continent include votes from Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Japan.

It’s great to see our nearest neighbours New Zealand are so dominant online and even Papua New Guinea has a few votes registered already.

There are over 1,200 nominees across over 500 businesses within the 45 business categories to date but from experience we know that will go crazy in the last couple of weeks of voting as the tradies and spas increase the momentum for their individual operatives.

As has become traditional we have received votes from every state in Australia but this year Victoria has certainly delivered the largest contingent.

The voting totals so far support all the tourism reports that 2015 has indeed been a good year for visitor numbers and with the enthusiastic efforts of many businesses in town, the voting numbers have grown exponentially.

The new businesses in town have taken to the awards programme brilliantly and although we always get a number of spoilt voting papers the new data capture checking systems have reported very little, how shall we put it, mendacious entries from over eager participants.

The volume of voting is a positive sign that the awards programme is maturing and becoming the annual award to win and display with pride on your shop or office wall.

As soon as the voting process closes on Nov 3rd, the ten finalists in each category will be published on The Newsport without delay to ensure everyone who has done well in this years programme gets a chance to book tickets to come along and mingle with all the successful businesses from across almost every commercial category in the region.  The top five finalists in each category  will be announced on the evening. Each of the finalists receive a certificate to acknowledge their successful year of service and sales. Winners receive a ready to hang framed certificate.

The annual Awards Gala Ball is once again at the Sheraton Glade on Friday Nov 27th. This is your chance to mix with a huge cross section of Douglas Shire businesses. Come and enjoy a wonderful 3 course dinner, have a drink, celebrate, network and enjoy this Oscar night in Port Douglas.

Tickets are available online.  Click on link below to go direct to:

Trybooking Business Awards