Terrain delivers Wet Tropics Plan

Published Monday 23 November 2015

After 5 years intense work, an excited Terrain Natural Resource Management (NRM) CEO Carole Sweatman launched the Wet Tropics Plan to a huge audience of over 400 stakeholders and interested parties.

The website that has been created enables visitors to discover facts, build maps, connect with others and uncover the community’s plan for sustaining our Wet Tropics.

Browers can delve into actions and priorities that will safeguard our unique lifestyle, vibrant and productive landscapes, water quality, healthy soils and  biodiversity.

The site will contain information about what the Wet Tropics community want to see happening in their region and backyard.  Also the latest scientific information on a range of topics including the impact of climate change and what we can expect. There will be lots of great interactive mapping tools – you can even make your own!  There will be contact details for people and organisations engaged in a wide range of  land, water, industry and environmental initiatives in the Wet Tropics.

The site will be packed with Wet Tropic facts and full details about current projects and how you can get involved.The CEO Carole Sweatman thanked both the current and retired board members for their support over the five years.  She said the board worked through all the difficult issues with enthusiasm and determination and thanked them for agreeing in the first place that a website was the best delivery platform.

Apparently her Terrain Staff didn’t want to be named for their work but Carole said she felt that after such a monumental team effort it would be remiss of her nit to at least thank them for their amazing team efforts.

The website is an ever growing and evolving platform but visitors are being asked to review the site during the first six months and report any comments to ensure that any early improvements can be made prior to the Federal Government final sign off approval deadline.

Leichhardt Federal Government MP, Warren Entsch was equally excited about the site as he welcomed the audience and expressed his governments support for this dynamic project.  He admitted he is not a computer guru but made it quite clear that everything he had seen and tried made him realise how easy to use and how simple this website was going to make access to the Wet Tropics plan and with the constantly updated information how simple it was going to be to get involved.

The site has incorporated much of the traditional owners information and has embraced the philosophy so eloquently expressed by traditional owner Goodji Goodgji at the welcome to country ceremony that, “We have learned your ways on how to look after the land and now it is time for you to learn ours!”

Check out the website www:wettropicsplan.org.au