Sam the GBRM fund raising champion

Sam the RUN FOR THE REEF fund raising champion

Published Tuesday 3 November 2015

Eight year old Sam Thomson, from Port Douglas, had his heart set on raising $600 for the Tropical Journeys Great Barrier Reef Marathon (GBRM) which was held last Sunday, but instead, he has raised more than double reaching a total of $1,347.50 as of yesterday.


  • <link sam-set-to-raise-600.13121.0.html>Sam set to raise $600


While still recovering from what would have been a very exhausting day, Sam is getting quite use to the media attention.  Having had his photo taken with the visiting Olympians Pat Carroll, Jess Trengove, Craig Mottram and Steve Moneghetti, as well as being interviewed and appearing on the front page of  a local newspaper publication, it isn’t  any wonder he is keen to share his good news with Newsport.

Sam said he really enjoyed competing in the marathon and may even consider trying a longer distance next year.

Having raised so much more than anticipated, Sam said “my family and friends are really quite supportive.”

When asked how he felt about running in the 2.5km marathon, Sam said he liked his running and felt excited and nervous on the day.

“I felt a bit nervous in the morning while I was watching the rugby [Rugby World Cup] before the marathon," stating “I was mad that we lost the rugby, but that’s just part of sport,” he said with a shrug."

Raising the amount of money he has so far for Run For the Reef Research, Sam said “it’s really good, that’s the whole point of why I did it."

While Sam quietly enjoys the media attention with such humility and maturity beyond his years, he also takes the time to offer some words of wisdom to any kids out there thinking about participating in the GBRM and raising funds for the Run For the Reef Research next year.

“Do it because if you don’t, there might not be any reef left when you get older, it’s excellent and quite a good competition,” he said.