Moving forward after the Douglas Business Forum

Published Monday 16 November 2015

Following on from what has reportedly been an overall positive response to the 2015 Douglas Business Forum, one of the significant and challenging outcomes identified will be maintaining the momentum moving forward.

Over 100 business delegates participated in the Forum with opportunities to share their ideas and knowledge while learning from panelists, keynote speakers, as well as other business owners, how to grow their own business.  This offered delegates the opportunity to gain an understanding of the future direction of the local economy and how they may adapt their business to benefit.

Mayor Julia Leu reportedly hailed the Forum as the most significant gathering of local businesses in living memory.

“When I proposed this forum I wanted it to be much more than a talkfest. I wanted it to be an incubator of ideas and foster greater co-operation within our business community and already the feedback I’ve received has supported this outcome.

“Our focus now as a Council and as a business community will be to continue this momentum and develop strategies that allow the Douglas Shire to be innovative, diversify and prosper in a constantly evolving economic environment,” said Mayor Leu.

Cr David Carey also reported receiving very positive feedback.

“I absolutely agree it is important that the expectations created by the Forum are advanced and built upon. The responsibility for this rests not only with the Douglas Chamber of Commerce but with the Douglas business sector generally, and more broadly the Douglas community.  The Council is also a critical stakeholder and needs to seize this opportunity to do its part to continue the positive momentum of the forum,” advised Cr Carey.

Mark Matthews CEO of Advance Cairns offered some clear perspective during his presentation to wrap up the Forum, centring on service in particular about investing in your service.

Matthews suggested that businesses hold a mirror upon themselves which will provide a window to where their business needs to fight for itself in terms of investment back into their own business.

By providing statistics by Trip Advisor that the top 14 businesses in Port Douglas revealed 12% had an average to less than average rating, Matthews suggested an approximate $1,000 investment by business owners would offer another aspect to improve their service.  By taking a three day trip to Osaka Japan to experience hospitality services, Matthews suggested this would provide another perspective of service for businesses, while at the same time giving business owners a break away from their business.

“Businesses are so busy that they have little time to take a look at themselves and invest in their own service and fight for the business they have,” said Mr Matthews.

Innovation, resilience, collaboration and a vision for the future were some of the final seeds planted by Matthews presentation.  Businesses providing something new, having the capacity to respond and being at the forefront of their business to “dodge the punches” with workable solutions rather than being reactive, as well as identifying a point of collaboration within the region, will develop the connectivity needed to sustain the momentum into the future and ultimately support the one vision for the region.

“The competition doesn’t sit here. Collaboration gives strength and advocacy to the one narrative, one story.  Although there may be different perspectives, the answer is clear,” said Matthews.

Douglas Chamber of Commerce (DCC)  President Helen de Ross says the business community is on the Councils’ radar.

“The initiative to communicate with us is a great step in the right direction.

“The Forum was a great opportunity for Council to hear from businesses directly, what they do, what is important to them and their trends.

“There were key areas evident at the Forum; internet issues, collaboration of industries and businesses and maintaining the uniqueness of Port Douglas.  It was evident that there needs to be a happy medium between growing and or diversifying and maintaining the essence of Port Douglas,” said de Ross.

There was a very clear consensus that an issue around internet connectivity existed which potentially could be the catalyst as the point of collaboration between businesses, the community, Council and other levels of government.

In their attempt to gather momentum, the DCC have set monthly meetings with Council.  Their priority being the internet issue.

“This affects almost every business in the area.  We will join forces with Council and Federal Member for Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch to take to the Minister of Communications to find out more information as well as provide the government with our problems and why they need to be addressed as soon as possible. We have already contacted Telstra and Ombudsman informing them of our issues,” said de Ross.

Another attempt to sustain any momentum after the Forum, the DCC are determined to remain engaged with businesses and Council.

“We are building a positive relationship with Council and other levels of government. There are key issues that are important to the business community and working together will achieve greater results," she said.

De Ross advised by becoming a member of Douglas Chamber of Commerce it gives a stronger voice when advocating to different levels of government as well as providing support with a particular issue and having representation in Commerce Queensland.

Mayor Julia Leu reported that the 2015 Douglas Business Forum was the first step for Council.

“This Forum will help us develop our long-term economic strategy for the region and council will have plenty more to say about this in the coming months,” she said.

Cr David Carey reported he was pleased to have successfully instigated inclusion of an Economic Development (sustainability) Strategy in the Council's 2015/16 Operational Plan.

“This strategy, which is to be completed this financial year will, by necessity, require input from the Chamber and other business stakeholders to identify a long term vision for our economy and provide a road map for securing a sustainable and vibrant economic future for Douglas.” advised Cr Carey.

At the close of the Forum Mayor Leu also announced the establishment of a new Business Development Fund which will be officially launched on the 1st December.

“The objective of the Business Development Fund is to provide opportunities to the business and not-for-profit sector to support the growth of local business and industry in the Shire.

“We’re lucky to have such innovators in the Douglas Shire and Council wants to encourage the development of local businesses and organisations to help them reach new audiences.

“There’s a lot to be positive about for businesses in the Douglas Shire and I think we need to recognise this, understand what is working and then collaborate on where we can improve,” said Mayor Leu.