Mayor steps up to tackle state matter

Published Thursday 5 November 2015

While Queensland Police confirm no charges will be laid against Member for Cook MP Billy Gordon as he continues in his role as Independent MP stating he is determined to continue to represent the constituents of Cook, Council steps up to lobby the State Government for access and infrastructure improvements to boat ramps in the Douglas Shire.

Mayor Leu facilitated a meeting with the Member for Cook Mr Billy Gordon MP and concerned community members back on Monday 7th September 2015.


  • <link rocky-point-boat-ramp-becomes-a-rocky-po.12985.0.html>Rocky Point boat ramp becomes a rocky point
  • <link rocky-point-boat-ramp-still-a-rocky-poin.13093.0.html>Rocky Point boat ramp still a rocky point


Mayor Julia Leu will now meet with the Director-General of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Dave Stewart, in Cairns today during the North Queensland Economic Summit 2015.

“I have requested a deputation while we are both attending the Northern Queensland Economic Summit in Cairns in an effort to seek more funding and better outcomes for recreational boaties in the Douglas Shire, in particular the ongoing issues at the Rocky Point boat ramp and improvements at the Newell Beach boat ramp,” said Mayor Leu.

The summit has been organised to outline to invited international and domestic investors the current and future investment opportunities that northern Queensland has to offer.

“Council will be spruiking our major industries of tourism and sugar cane production at the economic summit as well as emerging industries such as aquaculture and cocoa production and of course our fabulous tropical lifestyle,” Mayor Leu said.

Mayor Leu will raise with Mr Stewart safety concerns from residents regarding the Rocky Point Boat Ramp and request the State Government undertake urgent remedial works to address immediate safety and operational concerns expressed by the community as a result of the recent upgrade.

Cr Terry Melchert said that any works carried out at the boat ramps should be designed in consultation with the community to meet its needs and aspirations.

“In my view the Rocky Point boat ramp issue is a stark reminder for all levels of Government that we must actively consider representations from communities and do our best to deliver "what they want" not what we or the bureaucracy think they should have,” said Cr Melchert.

Cr Bruce Clark believes that with Minister Mark Bailey’s announcement in October of the $30million major boost for Queensland boaties with a program of works for new boat ramps, pontoons and floating walkways for 2016/17 “we must see if the Rocky Point and Newell Beach Boat Ramps are on this program.”

During the deputation with the Director-General, Mayor Leu will also request urgent works to improve the accessibility and functionality of the boat ramp at Newell Beach and the progression of the construction of a boat ramp at Cooper Creek in consultation with Council and community members.

“It has become obvious that the upgrade of the Rocky Point boat ramp by the State Government has not had the desired outcome and appears to have created additional safety and operational concerns,” Mayor Leu said.

“Access to the Newell Beach boat ramp is significantly hampered because of a build-up of sand in the channel while the construction of a new boat ramp at Cooper Creek is something the community has been asking for, for a long time,” she said.

“Recreational fishing and boating is extremely important to our communities in the Douglas Shire due to our close proximity to the Great Barrier Reef and we hope the Director-General appreciates our concerns and can work towards viable solutions.”

Newsport contacted MP Mr Billy Gordon for comment, who had not responded before going to press.