DSC to install fitness equipment on Four Mile Beach Esplanade

Published Monday 9 November 2015

As part of the council’s $19 million capital works budget, $30,000 has been allocated for fitness equipment to be designed and installed along the The Esplanade at Four Mile Beach.

At the latest DSC General Meeting, the Capital Works Progress Report for the first quarter was presented which reported that quotes had been received and a contractor engaged for the fitness equipment.

In all communities, the public realm is made up of a hierarchy of different spaces and places, which generally perform different functions for different people working in an integrated and complementary way, as stated in the Port Douglas Waterfront Master Plan.

With this in mind, Newsport invited Mayor Julie Leu to comment on the design and installation of the pending fitness equipment project.

The Mayor advised that four pieces of fitness equipment have been ordered, with the installation to occur along the Port Douglas Esplanade beginning from mid-January, 2016.

“In the long-term Council is aiming to install fitness equipment at key public locations throughout Port Douglas so people can do a circuit around the Open Spaces network of parks for fitness activities,” advised Mayor Leu.

Regarding the design of the equipment, the four pieces will include chin-up bars, a leg lift/dip bar, pull-up bars and a sit-up board.

As to whom is likely to utilise the equipment based on this design, Mayor Leu stated that the equipment has been chosen to be accessible to as many people as possible, regardless of their fitness levels or abilities.

“It is available for everyone to use, from locals to visitors on holidays to personal trainers who may want to incorporate the equipment into their training drills,” said Mayor Leu.

The Capital Works Progress Report states that internal consultation was undertaken with the Managers and Coordinators within the Operations Department and with the Management Team, but no community consultation.

Mayor Leu advised that Council looked at a range of public spaces fitness equipment options from a number of suppliers and selected products that were the most popular and accessible and provided a good choice of complimentary fitness activities.

“The Port Douglas Esplanade location was chosen for the first installation of public fitness equipment because of its central location and popularity for fitness enthusiasts who access the beach from there,” said Mayor Leu.

Newsport welcomes our readers comments: 

  • do you think this is a good idea?
  • are you likely to utilise the fitness equipment?
  • where should the fitness equipment be installed?