Community banking incentive helps regional not-for-profits
Published Thursday 19 November 2015

Building Active Connected Communities FNQ (BaCC) in partnership with Bendigo Bank came together last night to launch its rebranded organisation formerly known as Cairns Community Enterprise (CEE).
Initially established in May 2009 to fund community projects and small grants to community groups and not for profit organisations in the areas of sport, health, youth and community, the BaCC model is based on not for profit organisations, their members and supporters generating an ongoing income stream by meeting their banking needs through Bendigo Bank.
The more business they do with Bendigo, the more money BaCC receives through commissions paid to BaCC on nominated accounts. The commission covers a multitude of both personal and business products. This money is then passed on to the chosen club or group.
The BaCC board is made up of independent professionals from a broad cross section of industry and disciplines in Far North Queensland to assist BaCC in making the best decisions for the local community and setting its strategic direction for the future.
BaCC provides not for profit groups in the Cairns, Kuranda, Mossman and Douglas regions regions the ability to generate ongoing income streams without having to ask for donations or through time consuming fundraising activities.
Potentially, less time is spent on fundraising allowing members to focus their valuable time on running their not for profit organisations.
To date, BaCC has generated $834,000 which has been used to assist over 200 registered groups, all by choosing to bank with Bendigo Bank.
There is also a grant program offering grants to a maximum of $2,500 to be utilised for the overall benefit of the community. Priority will be given to those not for profit organisations who do not have a regular income stream.
Last night Paws n Claws were the recipients of the $2,500 grant which will be used to purchase a hydro-bath for the refuge.
Another project Bendigo Bank has been working towards is the distribution of six defibrillators to Port Douglas Sports Complex, Port Douglas Rugby Union Club, Port Douglas Tennis Club, Port Douglas Cyclone Shelter, Mossman State High School and Mossman Soccer Club.
Sue from Defib For Life said that 1,000 units have been donated to clubs and schools and so far have saved 15 lives.
BaCC is guided by values and aspires to develop empowerment, passion, integrity, growth and innovation.
If you are a sporting and a not for profit organisation and require more information visit: www.baccfnq.com.au/contact