Hot food at Port Douglas Markets?

Published Wednesday May 6 2015, 9:30am

Douglas Shire Council will canvas community opinions on a proposal to introduce hot food vendors at the Port Douglas Markets.

Council will formulate an issues paper and survey local businesses, existing stallholders and market patrons to get a better understanding of community attitudes towards allowing a limited number of hot food stalls offering multicultural cuisine at the Port Douglas Markets.

The Port Douglas Markets currently does not have stalls which cater for the sale of hot food.




Mayor Julia Leu said Council wanted a better understanding of community opinions on the proposal to allow a limited number of hot food vendors at the Port Douglas Markets before formally considering the proposal.

“The Port Douglas Markets inject a huge amount of business into the local economy, attracting thousands of people from across the Far North every Sunday,” Mayor Leu said.

“Calls to allow hot food vendors at the Port Douglas Markets are largely being driven by people attending the markets who have indicated they may stay longer if hot food was available there.

“An argument against allowing hot food vendors might come from nearby restaurants which may be impacted by people choosing to eat at the markets rather than dine at their establishment.

“These are just a couple of issues we need to quantify and get a better appreciation of before making a decision.”

Council will conduct the community engagement next month.