Line dancing for fun and fitness in Mossman

Published Monday June 15 2015, 4:50pm

Say the words 'Line dancing' and it will most likely conjure images of spur-booted cowboys in tassels and big-buckled belts stomping out moves to a boisterous tune in a bar somewhere in the American Midwest.

It certainly doesn't make one think of little old ladies in Mossman having fun and staying fit one the dance floor.

Yet, if you were to swing around to Mossman Bowls Club on Monday morning, or Wednesday and Thursday nights, that's exactly what you would see.

Marina Petersen has been line dancing for 23 years, yet before that she had as little idea as anyone else that it was going on right in the heart of Mossman.

"I remember I saw a boat cruise on TV with line dancing on it and I said to a friend 'I wish I could could try that'," Ms Petersen said.

"My friend said 'you can, right here, just across the road!' and I've been doing it ever since."

Far from its cowboy origins, most of the the attendees at Mossman line dancing classes are female seniors, but that doesn't stop them tearing up the D-floor to modern hits like 'All About that Bass' from Meghan Trainor.

They even form into groups like the Boot Scooters and perform at events like the World's Biggest Cup Of Tea.

Line dancing is about having a good time, good conversation and getting in shape all at the same time, explained Marina.

"L?ine dancing is healthy, it gets you moving and drinking plenty of water which is what the health professionals are always telling you to do," she said.

"You're never to old to do anything and line dancing is no exception - we're always looking for new members of any age or gender, they can contact Ronnie on 40981982 and ask about it."