FNQ Rugby players tackle domestic violence
Published Monday June 8 2015, 12:50pm
Rugby league players from Queensland’s far north took to the field at Yarrabah on Sunday to take a stand against domestic violence.
Speaking at the opening of the annual Put the passion into the game not violence football game in Yarrabah against Mossman, Treasurer and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Curtis Pitt said that domestic violence had devastating on thousands of Queenslanders.
“Every day in Queensland there are about 180 reports of domestic and family violence incidents to the police and many more go unreported,” Mr Pitt said.
“One in six Australian women has experienced physical abuse by a current or former partner compared with one in 19 men, and one in four Australian women has experienced emotional abuse in an intimate relationship compared with one in seven men.
“Unfortunately, the figures are significantly higher for Indigenous women who are 35 times more likely to be hospitalised for spouse/domestic partner assaults than members of the general female population.”
The Government’s Not Now, Not Ever: Putting an End to Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland report was earlier this year, highlighting the increasing incidence and severity of domestic violence in the community.
Mr Pitt thanked the Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence for their wok on producing the document.
“The Palaszczuk Government believes that women, men, children and families should not have to live under a cloud of fear about violence in their homes – stopping domestic violence is one of our highest priorities,” Mr Pitt said.
“This annual football match hosted by the Yarrabah Aboriginal Corporation for Women in partnership with the Yarrabah Seahawks Football Club sends home the message that violence is everybody’s business and an issue that we must all tackle together.
“We must also learn to trust our instincts and if we suspect that a friend, colleague or family member is suffering from domestic violence then we need to pick up our phones and call DVConnect on 1800 811 811.”