Stonegrill launches hot at Hi Tide

Published Monday 6 July 2015

About 70 invited guests eagerly gathered on Saturday evening to enjoy the first demonstration of the brand new dining experience introduced to Port Douglas and hosted by Hi Tide Restaurant and Cafe on the Four Mile Beach Esplanade.

Hi Tide owners Sheryn and Phil Blundstone with restaurant manager Jeremy Parer and his culinary team have developed the Stonegrill dining style to compliment their existing al la carte menu.

If you are not familiar with the Stonegrill concept.  It presents an individual sheet of volcanic rock (or stone) pre-heated to 400 degrees centigrade upon which your selected piece of meat, fowl or fish is delivered to your table.  

The volcanic stone stays very hot for at least 35 minutes and reasonably hot for up to 4 hours so there's no rush to prepare your meal. You can relax and enjoy the beach front setting plus the many side dishes (including sauces of your choice), not to mention the superb wine list to compliment your selection.

The quality of the steak, lamb, chicken, white reef fish or salmon is first quality having been carefully sourced from fresh specialist local and Tablelands suppliers.

The official launch of this new menu was actually the following evening, on Sunday evening (5th July) but those lucky enough to attend the pre-launch tasting on Saturday where the meats and fish were prepared by head chef Althea Moos and her team were unanimous in their praise.  It was actually noticeable that several guests were following the platters (including me) around because each stonegrilling was almost irrestible!

As final cheers were being made a spectacular moon rose from the Coral Sea as if planned by the Hi Tide team to crystallise what was an amazing night and an exciting new launch. 

This is innovative adventure for all diners and if you're looking for fun night that's just a little different then take my advice and book your table without delay. 

I have a feeling there will be a long line for some time to come. 


Nugget was the honest and willing pupil for any of Guy’s new idea’s and by the tender age of four, Nugget was so proficient at his work that he didn't perform in a bridle and saddle for the next 12 years, a truly special stallion and until this day, Guy’s best mate. 

It is very common that the best trainers around the world in all disciplines are normally training many horses for clients without the luxury of being able to ride their own and those who do, quite often have to sell their best horses to survive. 

One of Guys biggest weaknesses or maybe it's his greatest strength is the personal and mutual attachment and bond that he forms with every horse that he spends any length of time with and as he would no sooner sell his best mate than fly to the moon, he had to come up with a plan for his own horses to pay their way.  It was then that Guy McLean the performer was reluctantly dragged out of his shell.

Guys performances, the same as his horsemanship methods have all been self taught, right since the very first time he can remember hisfather has always said “As long as you and your ponies are safe, you can do whatever you like,” with a “Keep your Hands down,” or “ Give that pony a rest,” thrown in for good measure. 

Guy believes that it was this disciplined but essentially free rein that allowed him to evolve into the Horseman and Entertainer he is today, for although he has always shown an interest in all of the disciplines and performers that he has witnessed, it has ultimately been the countless hours spent in the presence of a horse or in front of a crowd that has moulded him and as his life motto reads “Finding a Better Way.” 

Guy and his horse’s have achieved national acclaim in Australia over the past 15 years and his talented horses (especially Nugget) have had their names chanted in front of 20,000 people at Royal shows such as Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide. 

Guy has been acclaimed as a National treasure and Living Legend and although this humble Australian still blushes at such remarks, it is the kind words and stories of inspiration that Guy evokes that keeps him in the frame of mind to succeed and continue to spread his message. 

Although the calling of international work has made Guy step away from his beloved homeland (for a while) Australia will always be his home and yet wherever there are wonderful horses and crowds to entertain and educate, Guy says he feels at home.
So it is now that the next stage of the Life of Guy McLean begins as he and four of his own Australian bred ‘Quietway Performance horses’ (of which three are Nuggets babies) have expanded to the international stage. At the moment they are based in Texas USA and will follow their dreams to perform worldwide. 

Guy has always been a dreamer and it is true what they say, that, "If you wish hard enough and stick to your guns, dreams can and will come true". 

So it is fantastic that The Mossman show has managed to entice Guy McLean, The Horse Whisperer back again, (after a five year absence), to perform at the show between July 19th to 20th.  He will be performing three times a day of each day.

This you can't miss!!