Sam Horrop – seminar Small Business Big Exit

Sam Horrop; Seminar small business big exit

By Cassandra Pulver

Published Wednesday 22 July 2015

“How to make more money selling your business than running it” is a workshop that is being run by Sam Harrop on how to best prepare your business for sale.

With only two weeks to go Mr Harrop, a Business Exit Specialist, is encouraging businesses owners to attend this workshop so that they can be best prepared when the time comes to sell their businesses.

“Stuart Goodfellow and myself are the founders of Small Business Big Exit Programme. We are not business brokers. We are Business Exit Specialists who show small business owners how to make more money from selling their business than running it. We have won national and international awards for strategic sales and marketing and have worked with over 1,000 businesses in the area of growth and business exits.” says Mr Harrop

He stated that “7 out of 10 small business owners plan to sell their business in the next 5 years. Alarmingly 84% of businesses listed for sale don’t sell and many of those that do, sell for much less than expected. What is even scarier is only 1 out of 10 business owners believe their business is ready for sale.”

Mr Harrop claims too many small businesses are forced to close down or sell for less than they are worth “simply because were not set up to sell their business.”

Sam sights 3 key challenges facing baby-boomer small business owners:

  • strategically preparing themselves and their business for sale so they do nothing and are lost
  • efficiently attracting the right buyers, so they have little or no enquiries.
  • effectively negotiating and finalising the sale of their business, resulting in potential buyers walking away from the deal


During this workshop Sam will present the “Small Business 5 Step Program” demonstrating how to:-


  • lean in, to fully understand their motivation to sell, what they are going to do next and who would buy their business
  • explore how to value their business in today’s market
  • prime their business to rapidly increase its value
  • attract the right buyers with or without a broker
  • negotiate and facilitate the sale. This is their last sale ever, and their future depends on getting this right

“The ultimate prize of this program is that they will have a fully primed business for sale and they will be amongst the top 10% who can sell their business above market value, on their terms” says Sam.

Sam states that earlier this year they surveyed over 1300 business owners around Australia, which provided them with some very interesting data and based on this feedback was able to put together a free 2 hour workshop.


Date: Wednesday 5 August

Venue: Cairns CBD (venue will be confirmed upon registration online)

Time: 09:00 to 11:00

Topic: Small Business Big Exit – How to make more money selling your business     than running it

Register: Visit


Please make sure you register early to reserve your seat.