Mossman High School students say “We Like Port Shorts”

Mossman High School students say “We Like Port Shorts”

By Cassandra Pulver

Published Thursday 30 July 2015

Over a two day workshop organised by Mossman High School teacher Elliot Davidson, year 10 students had an opportunity to experience what is involved when the director shouts “lights, camera, action”.

The Film, TV, New Media (FTVNM) workshop conducted on 28th and 29th July, offered a mixture of workshop tutorials and hands on learning and was structured around getting to know and use equipment safely, creating a film set, considering hints for working in the industry and developing student skills.  

The first day of the workshop students started off by learning how to prepare a set. The outcome for the students was to complete the green screen, lighting equipment, audio and camera set up.  

The next session offered first hand industry experience through a panel discussion and Q and A with industry professionals Alison George from Catseye Productions and Director of the Port Shorts Film Festival, Matt Hearn from Hot Glue Productions and Executive Producer of film blockbusters including Wolf Creek and Rogue and a Judge for Port Shorts and Kier Shorey from ABC Far North, also a judge for Port Shorts.

The final session for the day was about promoting an event and shooting a multi-cam music performance.  This involved the students showing off their own acting and singing abilities in front of the cameras and the technical skills involved behind the cameras.

FTVMA workshop organizer and high school teacher Elliot Davidson said “the students conducted themselves in an exemplary manner and I was very proud to see them get so involved in the afternoon shoot. Local musician Shannon Hunter was an inspiration as our 'talent' in the afternoon shoot and you can look forward to some funny videos making their way onto the Port Shorts facebook site. They gained some excellent advice in the panel discussion with Matt Hearn, Kier Shorey and Ali George, covering a range of topics including advice for working in the industry, the pathways they have each taken and particular hints for making short films,” said Elliot.

“Wednesday’s session the remaining year 10 film students and the year 11 film students will be involved in a similar workshop and will shoot a recording of one of Shannon's songs in the afternoon. We are hoping to see several entries into the Port Shorts Young Filmmakers Awards from our film students, as well as young film makers in the greater Cairns region,” he said.

Year 10 student Liam Mills was a very willing participant and very eager to share his experience with Newsport.  He is planning to enter into the Port Shorts Young Filmmakers Awards but is still unsure if he will have enough time to finish his film in time.  

“It is really hard to make a film at the moment I have put a lot of preparation and planning in but I don’t know how to act it out yet,” he said.

Newsport asked Liam if the workshop was beneficial and whether access to equipment, support and resources were readily available to assist any young filmmaker or any students considering entering Port Shorts Film Festival.

“Yes it [workshop] was definitely beneficial.  It is teaching me to know the technical side of lighting, shooting and green screens. We can borrow equipment from school we have sony cameras, tripods, go pros available”, he said.

Port Shorts facebook page is a wealth of knowledge and resources and offers the opportunity for online mentoring.  It also offers a way to connect with others wanting to collaborate or needing support through the process of filmmaking.

Liam offers some words of encouragement to anyone wanting to learn about filmmaking and to anyone considering entering Port Shorts Young Filmmakers Awards who may be putting it off.  “It is hard and you have to put a lot of work into it but you will enjoy it in the end.  It is great to create a film and be able to show people and get their response,” said Liam.

Elliot advised that he is conducting another workshop on Thursday 30 July (9am-3pm) at the Douglas Shire Council Chambers with students from year 12 Legal Studies and year 12 Study of Society on Local and Federal Politics. The local Mayor, Julia Leu and Qld Senator the Hon Jan McLucas will be attending.  

We look forward to hearing about the student outcomes and whether there is an increase in entries for the Port Shorts Young Filmmakers Award for 2015 as a result of these informative and hands on student workshops.

If you are interested in learning more about any upcoming workshops or for further information about the Port Shorts Film Festival please visit:
