Katter at Mossman Markets for fracking
Friday January 30 2015; 7:00am

Member for Kennedy Bob Katter dropped in to Mossman Markets on Saturday to talk about Coal seam gas (CSG) and the practice of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) - a subject on everyone's lips.
Mount Mulligan, west of Port Douglas is a iconic mountain that currently has been granted a liscence to extract the gas from under its base. Katter's Australian Party representive Lee Marriott was at the Mossman Markets on Saturday speaking with locals
about the affects of CSG.
Mr Marriot said "I adamantly believe that fracking of Mt Mulligan is a huge mistake - I oppose CSG in all forms and my party fully backs me.
"We have made opposing to CSG a core policy. I believe that the potential long term damage to water aquafiers, farmland and the reef is not worth the risk.
"Aside from the environmental damage, I believe CSG is explotation of our natural resources and I also
believe it doesn't provide a enough long terms jobs benefits to the region.
"When your're voting this election, think about it who really cares about our fracking country. To stop CSG, I, Australia and the world we need to make a united stand.
"Lock the gate against CSG."