Swim Your Way Into 2016
Published Wednesday 30 December 2015

As the curtain falls on another full and busy year, the hopes and dreams of a new year sit firmly on the horizon.
A whole 365 days to fill, how will you fill yours?
A new year always feels like a big, new and fresh opportunity, if only there was time to fit in all those new dreams and ambitions.
Getting in the water for a swim is one of lives simple pleasures. That glorious feeling of weightlessness as you walk down the steps into the pool and all your stresses dissipate in an instant.
I’ve swam all my life, I'm not very good, but I love it. I love the freedom of swimming, I love being outdoors, hearing the birds around me and looking up to the big sky. I love the feeling after a swim, where you feel completely energised, if not a little self righteous with your own achievement.
Ive always done breast stroke in the pool out of habit, just for an hour, in my own little world. Swimming for me is so many things, its time to think, relax, reflect, plan and get fit all at the same time.
This next year I've decided to up my game, mix it up a little. No huge life changes, just a few tweaks here and there. Its quite simple, I want to learn front crawl. Ive often admired the other swimmers in the pool, seemingly effortlessly gliding past me, face down taking elegant breaths every few strokes.
I took the plunge today and took my first swim session with Swimfit in the QT lap pool in Port Douglas, to start my little quest.
In the pool happy faces greeted me, particularly happy for 7am. The rain fell from the sky, the palm fringed big blue pool was warm and welcoming. And then we were off…
For an hour we individually worked on our skills as a group. Swimfit’s guru, Irene Cats masterfully encouraged us through our lengths and techniques. What a way to start the day. The hour flew by and I loved every single minute.
It will take some time to master the front crawl, but in an hour I achieved more than I ever expected. After all these years swimming, theres still so much to learn. I had no idea what my swimming legs had been doing all these years, at the end of the session even they learnt a thing or two.
Swimfit dives straight into 2016 with a special offer to kick start your new year in the water. Two new Swimfitter’s joining in January get 2 for 1. Thats only $50 each for 3 sessions every week in January, entry included. Existing Swimfitter’s can bring a new swimfitter and get 2 for 1 too.
See you in the pool in 2016, I'm the rookie for now, but not for long. Happy new Year!
Contact Swimfit on 0428 875 275 or Facebook.com/swimfitforlife