Roads north of the Daintree River hope to leave a positive legacy
Published Friday 11 December 2015

The National Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) road rehabilitation program north of the Daintree River has been completed.
The $7 million contract to repair roads damaged in flood and cyclone events early last year was jointly funded by the Federal Government and the State Government and managed by Council.
Mayor Julia Leu said that successful delivery of the contract will make a huge difference in the Shire and will leave a positive legacy that will benefit communities in the north of the Shire for a very long time to come.
“Robinsons Civil Group impressed Council with their approach to safety, traffic management and quality of workmanship in a remote and sometimes taxing environment.
“There’s also been a significant boost to the local economy with around $4 million spent with local businesses,” Mayor Leu said.
Council also identified opportunities to complete non NDRRA work while plant and equipment were in the region.
The Mayor said Council sealed 1½ kilometres of Rykers Road and undertook some silt reduction work in Turpentine Road to reduce run off into Coopers Creek.
“We were able to complete this at significantly reduced costs due to plant and equipment being on the ground for disaster recovery work.
“Our achievement in securing NDRRA funds and then successfully delivering the project, has given us a chance to get some very important runs on the board with the State and Federal government agencies,” Mayor Leu said.
“Tourism is the lynchpin of the economy for the Douglas region. With an 80% economic reliance on tourism, Douglas Shire ranks as the most tourism-dependent region in Australia.
“We needed to balance the need for Council to deliver a significant capital works program in a World Heritage Listed area which offered value for money, whilst maintaining a functioning road network and reducing the impact on road users,” Mayor Leu said.
RCG’s Managing Director, Bill Robinson said they loved working in the Shire.
“The people in the community were great and the people we worked with at Council were fantastic,” Bill said.
Bill and his wife Kelene fell so much in love with area that they bought two properties at Cow Bay including the Cow Bay Hotel.