Chamber takes the reins with internet issues following Business Forum

Published Tuesday 8 December 2015

After the inaugural 2015 Douglas Business Forum held last month,  one of the key issues evident at the conclusion of the forum was the lack of sufficient internet coverage within the region.

To address this issue, Douglas Chamber of Commerce (DCC) have since instigated a meeting with Douglas Shire Council, as a priority, in order to take the necessary steps needed to represent the business and wider community on the matter.

“We will join forces with Council and Federal MP Warren Entsch to take it to the Minister of Communications to find out more information as well as provide the Government with our problems and why they need to be addressed as soon as possible,” said DCC President Helen de Ross, following the Forum last month.

Since then, DCC has met with Council and both agree that the level of internet service is a matter of high priority.

“Whilst looking towards innovative projects and the global marketplace, it all starts with the internet service.  We need to fix the foundations before we put the roof on,” said Ms De Ross.

With Council and DCC on “the same page” the next step in representing the business and wider community on this issue will be conducting discussions with NBN and Telstra.

“We are setting up meetings with the new Regional NBN contact, Marcello Massi as well as Telstra.  We have also sent letters to Telstra and the Ombudsman,” advised Ms De Ross.

The Chambers’ meetings with Council commenced two weeks ago and their meeting with NBN is scheduled for tomorrow.  The Telstra meeting is yet to be confirmed.

“We need to meet with both NBN and Telstra to understand the issues and why Port Douglas has been bypassed.  We also need to ensure they understand how this affects businesses in this area and our reliance on an acceptable internet connection,” said Ms De Ross.

Another matter on the Chambers’ agenda, as a lead up to the Douglas Shire Council election, will be conducting forums giving candidates the opportunity to convey their stance on issues relevant to the business and wider community.

There has also been significant growth in the Chambers’ membership following their $50 membership campaign “with many business owners, who were previously reluctant, have now since joined the Chamber,” reported Ms De Ross.

“We have also seen a growth in membership from areas such as retail and online, home-based businesses which is very pleasing,” she said.

With momentum still slowly gaining traction following the Business Forum, Cr Carey said it’s the responsibility of all stakeholders to propel it.

“The responsibility for this rests not only with the Chamber of Commerce but with the Douglas business sector generally, and more broadly the Douglas community.  The Council is also a critical stakeholder and needs to seize this opportunity to do its part to continue the positive momentum of the forum.

“I am, therefore, very pleased to have successfully instigated inclusion of an Economic Development (sustainability) Strategy in the Council's 2015/16 Operational Plan. This strategy, which is to be completed this financial year will, by necessity, requires input from the Chamber and other business stakeholders to identify a long term vision for our economy and provide a road map for securing a sustainable and vibrant economic future for Douglas,” he said.

Newsport contacted Cr Carey for further comment.