MUSIC REVIEW: Nick Swainson (The Crunch) Old and New Classics

By Nick Swainson

Published Wednesday 26 August 2015

Old Classic. King Crimson Discipline. 1981.

First formed in 1968 King Crimson forged their way in progressive/experimental rock with the early records they released.

By the dawn of the eighties and quite a few member changes later the band had settled into what is now looked at as a classic line up of Robert Fripp, Tony Levine, Bill Bruford and Adrian Belew.

A trilogy of albums were recorded from 81-84. Discipline, Beat and Three Of  A Perfect pair.Discipline, the first, became a standout of the three, featuring Fripp's use of Revox tape machines with guitar which was sampling well before it came into its own.

Adrian Belew's guitar,reminiscent of various animal sounds and and an incredible vocal range paired with one of the all time great rhythm sections of Bill Bruford and Tony Levine produced a faultless collection of songs that seamlessly fit together.
A true album that takes the listener on a journey of layered guitars,power drumming and descriptive lyrics delivered with perfect pitch and at times controlled rage.

The eighth record the band released at that point became a hallmark in the history of King Crimson.

The band still tours to this day but sadly without Adrian Belew. Although Belew toured Australia with Tony Levine in 2014 playing songs from this record, he no longer is a member of the band.

New Classic.Robyn Ludwick. Out Of These Blues. 2011.

Texan, Robyn Ludwick has been writing, recording and performing music for many a year and in 2011 released Out Of These Blues.

An album brimming with broken hearted love songs and a couple of hillbilly jigs.
Robyn also writes from a male point of view at times which is refreshing lyrically and quite rare in the climate of country rock.

She mixes beautiful lyric with forlorn musical arrangements which compliment each other perfectly.

Vocally she eases her way through gorgeous verses and choruses which glide throughout the record with a voice that is instantly unforgettable.

Upon repeated listens the album becomes a piece of time that filters through the aural senses and hits all the right nerves.

This record is by no means a a standard Texan Country & Western album but a masterpiece of song writing and production.

Warm musical tones meeting a lilting but powerful vocal when needed.

Nick Swainson.The Crunch PORT FM Mon-Fri 1-4pm