Inclusion golf fun day part of Disability Awareness Week

Published Thursday 27 August 2015

The opportunity for people with a disability and other members of the community to play golf at the Inaugural Inclusion Golf Fun Day is being planned by the Douglas Shire Community Services Association for the Mossman Golf Club on Friday 18 September. 

Highlighting the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, the day promises a variety of activities including a 4 Ball Ambrose and Debility Challenge plus raffles and a free barbecue. 

“We are offering free green, cart and club hire so there is no excuse for people not to join in the event which promises to be lots of fun plus raising awareness of the NDIS,” Ms Nicola Falstein, organiser of the event said.

The NDIS website advises that the program supports people with a permanent and significant disability that affects their ability to take part in everyday activities. They work with individuals to identify the support needed as well as helping them to achieve goals, including independence, involvement in the community, education, employment, health and wellbeing.  This gives people more control over how, when and where the support is provided and certainty they will receive the support needed over their lifetime.

The NDIS also works with local communities to improve inclusion of people with disability while building awareness. Their aim is to foster innovation, research and best practice to better support people with disability. 

NDIS started in July 2013 and for the first three years, is being introduced at trial sites at selected locations because it’s a big change, and we want to get it right and make it sustainable.  Roll out of the full scheme in Queensland will start progressively from July 2016. 

The Inclusion Golf Fun Day at Mossman Golf Club is sponsored by the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services and will commence at 1.30 with a Shot Gun Start. 

“The only requirement is that teams of four play and one of the members of the team has a disability,” Ms Falstein said, “and having a high golf handicap is not considered a qualifying disability.” 

Donations will be gratefully accepted on the day and bookings are essential.  To book phone Nicola on 0407 043 106.