Update on Cairns woman in isolation

13th October 2014, Monday

Update on Cairns woman in ebola isolation

According to a statement by a Queensland Health spokesperson, the 57 year-old female patient being assessed at the Cairns Hospital by infectious diseases staff is currently in a stable condition.

As reported in The Newsport last week initial blood tests taken on Thursday returned a negative result for Ebola virus disease (EVD).  More tests were conducted on Sunday and we are delighted to be able to report that this second round of blood tests again returned negative for Ebola Virus Disease and the patient was release this morning (Monday).

 A Press Conference has been called for this afternoon by Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young to discuss the matter.

The patient had complained of a mild fever and sore throat late last week, however she appears to be improving and no longer has a temperature.

She will remain in an isolation unit in Cairns Hospital under observation for at least another 24-hours; a necessary precaution given the patient has been to West Africa and has had a fever within the incubation period of 21 days.

The broader community is not at risk of contracting EVD.

While Ebola is a very serious disease, it is not highly contagious as it cannot be caught through coughing or sneezing; a person is not infectious until they are unwell with the disease.

The risk of infection is extremely low unless there has been direct exposure to the bodily fluids of an infected person or animal such as vomit, blood or diarrhoea.

Information on Ebola virus disease can be found at www.health.qld.gov.au/news-alerts/health-alerts/ebola/

For advice on how best to prepare for international travel to protect against vaccine preventable and other diseases, visit http://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/immunisation/overseas/index.html