Morning showers cool Douglas and Mossman but wet season still weeks away

Morning showers cool Douglas and Mossman but wet season still weeks away

Monday November 24 2014, 10:00am

This morning’s shower in Port Douglas might have been a lovely respite from this year’s blisteringly hot summer, but the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) is warning that the dry is not over yet. 

The Mossman South station reported 3.4mm of rainfall this morning, with Port Douglas receiving similar amounts - enough to take the edge of what was shaping up to be another brutally hot 30-degree day.  

The Cairns BOM station is predicting more of the same, with morning showers of similar size followed by hot dry days expected for the next week.

Duty forecaster Andrew Moston said cool onshore winds in the morning were causing the morning rain but the effects of the El Nino weather pattern would push the arrival of the wet season back to around the Christmas / New Year period.

“We don’t see any indication of significant rainfall for some time,” Mr Moston said. 

“El Nino conditions mean we should see the wet season in late December or early January. 

“Between now and then we’ll continue to get the occasional shower and a thunderstorm or two down from the Tablelands, however.”