Police prepare for Carnivale
Thursday May 15 2014, 3:35pm
Mossman and Port Douglas police officers will join forces this week ahead of Carnivale festivities and are urging visitors to avoid drink-driving during the event.
Police will have a 24-hour presence throughout Carnivale which is tipped to atrract more than 25,000 visitors to the region.
Mossman Sergeant Matt Smith said the event had become a more relaxed, family oriented gathering in recent years, easing the burden on police and emergency services.
"The main thing for us during the day will be just to set the tone and have a presence," Sgt Smith said.
"In the past it's been brilliant. People are usually really well behaved at Carnivale.
"It probably wasn't the case 10 years ago when it was a bit more of a free for all.
"We've managed to scale things down. The traffic branch will be out in force because, as much as we talk about it, people often take the risk and drink-drive which we urge them not to."
Sgt Smith said all nine Mossman police officers will help covering the festival alongside Port Douglas' eight uniformed officers.
Additional police may also be called upon from Cairns if necessary.
"Events like this we all come together and help each other out. Mossman [police officers] will cover Port Douglas during the day so they can have the majority of their staff on during the evening.
"It also helps that Port Douglas Sergeant Meadows and I have known each other for a long time."
Patrolling the beaches will be a major priority for authorities Sgt Smith said with teenage parties a primary concern.
"Due to social media these days within the blink of an eye you can have a large group of youths suddenly congregated in one area. If they're affected by liquour things can get out of hand quickly," he said.
"But we're quite confident it should be a great atmosphere.
"That said, any anti-social behaviour won't be tolerated."