Healthy living a deadly choice

Healthy living a deadly choice says 'Super' Hooper

Thursday May 22 2014, 3:35pm

An Indigenous health campaign has been launched in far north Queensland this week with Olympic boxer Damien Hooper joining the fight to promote fitness and wellbeing in remote communities.

The Deadly Choices program will promote healthy lifestyles through workshops for school children and adults in four Indigenous communities.

The program was launched in Mossman Gorge on Tuesday with Apunipima Cape York Health Council handing out promotional t-shirts and preparing healthy meals for community members.

Men’s Health Manager Bernard David said the program's simple message could make a significant difference in closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. 

"It's just about empowering our mob to make healthier choices for themselves," Mr David said. 

"We encourage them to eat good food, get health checks and get active.

"We're looking at the whole community. 

"For the young people we have school-based programs and then for men, women and elder groups we run a seven week education program with them."

Mr David said Hooper had attended the launch as an ambassador for the Deadly Choices program and was eager to do more work in remote communities in the future.

"Damien really enjoyed his time up here too and asked to be involved in further community days," he said.

"We'll also be looking to identify local champions. 

"People that live in community that are setting great examples."

Deadly Choices will be rolled out in Napranum, Aurukun and Kowanyama later this year.