What was wrong with the road?
Thursday June 19 2014, 11:54am
The Department of Transport and Main Roads has explained what was actually wrong with the Port Douglas Road surface, and why it the works on it are happening now.
Douglas residents have been up in arms about the works, which have coincided with the start of peak tourist season and causing half-hour long traffic waits on the only road in and out of town.
Many have pointed out in comments on Newsport stories and social media posts that Port Douglas Road appeared practically unblemished before roadworks began.
Main Roads, however, has said that water damage to the roadbase has caused and will continue to cause the bitumen to degrade over time.
“Prolonged wet weather resulted in water pooling on the road and embankment on Port Douglas Road,” the spokesperson said.
“Over time, the water has absorbed and weakened the road’s foundations. This has caused it to move under traffic loads, leading to cracking, potholing and rutting.
“If these reconstruction works are not carried out, the road will continue to deteriorate.”
The need for works on the road was first identified by Main Roads in 2011.
The $2.27 million worth of works are being paid for under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery arrangements, which is 75 per cent funded by the Federal Government with the Queensland government picking up the other 25.
The Main Roads spokesperson added that NDRRA funds are only released when their is clear evidence of damage as a result of flooding.