Mossman Rifle Club Results
Wednesday January 22nd 2014

Shooters battle mirage at weekend comp
Saturday saw six members and three visitors turn out for the afternoon comp with only four electing to shoot as there was a vigorous mirage making it hard to find the centre on the very small target.
Norbert Schmidt took honors in the F Class 300 meter double range with a score of 121/6 over Pete Cowen on 113/2 from a possible 126, who shot very well for the first time behind a 308.
Ben Purvis took honors in the Full bore comp with a score of 74/1, over Chris Wilson on 71/1 who is also new to the sport.
Norbert Schmidt was the first to set up his trusty scoped 308 on the mound, Norbert fired off 12 shots in quick succession to achieve a score of 57/1 from a possible 60.
Ben Purvis was next to put his jacket on and shoulder his 308 with open sights. Ben shot a below average score of 33 from a possible 50 in the ten shot match.
Chris Wilson was the next Full bore shooter to have a go at the very difficult target. Chris shot quiet well for a novice shooter with a first range score of 37 with one super V Bull.
Pete Cowen was the last person down to compete. Pete took his time and consistentlyshot a swag of 5's to gain a first range tally of 50 from a possible 60 in the ten shot match.
Norbert was back again to hopefully improve his first score. Norbert let loose a flurry of shots to achieve a better score of 64/5from a possible 66 in the eleven shot match.
Ben Purvis was on the mound again to try and better his previous score which he did with a final tally of 41/1.
Chris Wilson was back to steady his eye on the dancing target. Chris scored 34 from a possible 55.
Pete Cowen was eager to shoulder his borrowed scoped 308 again. Pete shot an exceptional round with a super X ( dead center)to finish achieving a final score of 63/2.
A big thank you to Ron Schild for marking and Neil Attwood for scoring. We shoot every Saturday at 1.00pm at the range situated half way between Mossman and Port Douglas on the highway, all interested persons are most welcome to come and participate.