Cairns is Australia’s sexiest postcode
Monday January 20th 2014

Cairns is Australia’s sexiest postcode
The temperature isn’t the only thing soaring in the region. Residents in Cairns with the postcode 4870, have proven to be the biggest online purchasers of sexy goods in the past year, according to 2013 sales data compiled by Australia’s leading online retailer of adult toys Femplay.
Certainly, Mark Hayward of Port Douglas’s Adult Shop agrees. When The Newsport told him of this fact he remarked “wouldn’t be surprised!”
Mark has run the Adult Shop in Port Douglas for six years. It is mainly frequented by tourists who in Mark’s words, “come in because of the tropical climate, less clothes and people on holiday are more happy”.
He has certainly seen a change over the six years with more novelty and ergonomically designed items being developed and made popular. He has also noticed a shift in clientele gender with originally 60% men coming in and now it’s more like 60% women.
Wonder if that is a statement on how many single women there are in Port Douglas!
One reason that Cairns might figure highly on this list is that many residents are involved in the mining industry, both of which may contribute to the nation-topping sales.
“We know it’s hot in Cairns, but we had no idea it was so sizzling in the bedrooms,” Lea-Anne Trevillion, spokesperson for Femplay said.
“We expected the majority of our orders to come from Sydney and Melbourne, so to discover Australia’s sexiest postcode is Cairns was certainly a surprise.”
The data – supplied to Femplay by Australia Post as the discreet retailer does not keep details of customer records on file – also came as a bit of a surprise to sex and relationship coach Isiah McKimmie, who has run a practice in Cairns for the last two years.
“When I first set up my practice here, people were genuinely surprised – and some even disapproving – that a sexologist might be needed,” Isiah McKimmie said.
According to McKimmie, being adventurous in bed is very much an undercover movement in a town she describes as “conservative”.
“As the Femplay data show, people in Cairns are adventurous – but it’s very much behind closed doors. There is an air of conservatism in Cairns, and it’s such a small town that if you walked out of a sensual boutique there’s a good chance you might be spotted by someone you know! Many residents choose to discreetly order their sexy lingerie and fun toys online from Femplay and other outlets.”
Editors Comment: Why does it not surprise me that residents of postcode 4870 have to play a solitary game? It can only get worse now they don't have us to play with!