Male killed by shark off Port Douglas
Monday December 15 2014, 2:00pm

The Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) has held a press conference in Cairns regarding the death of an 18-year-old man from a shark attack off Port Douglas earlier today.
QAS Executive Manager Operations Queensland, Greg Thiedeck, said that the man had suffered severe blood loss after receiving massive, non-survivable injuries to his upper left leg, groin and arm.
"Those injuries turned out to be not compatible with life," Mr Thiedeck said.
Emergency Management Queensland's rescue helicopter was dropping off a patient at Townsville Hospital at the time of the incident, but Mr Thiedeck said even if the chopper had been in Cairns at the time, the man would still have likely died from his injuries as it would have taken more than 30 minutes to reach the area.
"If he was pulled from the water with cardiac arrest from blood loss, there was nothing anyone could have done to save the day," Mr Thiedeck said.
Police will prepare a report for the coroner.
A 18-year old man is dead after being attacked by a shark at Rudder Reef off Port Douglas today.
The man was believed to be spearfishing off a private vessel at the reef, about 40 kilometres from Port Douglas, at the time of the attack.
A Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) spokesperson has confirmed to Newsport that the man suffered severe injuries to his upper legs in the attack.
He was transported to Port Douglas' Sugar Wharf at about 1:30pm.
Boat crews performed CPR on him, which was continued by paramedics on the Sugar Wharf, but he could not be revived.
It is not currently known what kind of shark was involved in the attack.
This story will be updated as more information comes to hand.
A male person has been confirmed deceased after a shark attack off the coast at Port Douglas today.
The victim, whose age and identity are not yet publicly known, was transported from a tour boat to Port Douglas’s Sugar Wharf at about 1:30pm.
It is understood he was already deceased by the time of arrival.
A crowd of people gathered around the Sugar Wharf and many showed signs of distress after a small fast boat arrived.
Mossman Police sergeant Matthew Smith told Newsport that the victim had died as the result of a shark attack.
It is understood he suffered catastrophic damage to at least one of his legs.
More information about this story will be posted as it comes to hand.