Entsch blasts Abbott - Local MP launches extraordinary criticism of PM over Credlin sexism claims
Monday December 15 2014, 10:05am

Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has made an extraordinary criticism of Prime Minister Tony Abbott, lodging an official complaint against the PM.
Mr Entsch, whose electorate covers Port Douglas, Mossman and Cairns, has blasted Mr Abbott over the Prime Minister’s claims that criticism of his chief of staff, Peta Credlin, was based on sexism.
The Leichhart MP, who has made national headlines earlier in the year for a conflict with Queensland Premier Campbell Newman, has lodged an official complaint against against Mr Abbott with chief whip Philip Ruddock.
Mr Entsch told News Limited media on Sunday it was ‘mind-boggling’ for the Prime Minister to make the comments.
“If he thinks so lowly of us that our legitimate concern in the way his office run is trivialised to suggest we are sexist is just mind boggling,” Mr Entsch said.
“To suggest there’s an issue because of her gender, I find offensive.
“He’s basically said ‘if they don’t like it, they are sexists’.

“He needs to be very careful because there’s a lot of cabinet ministers who have a problem with how the Prime Minister’s Office is operating. It’s as bad as it’s ever been.”
Ms Credlin, who runs the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) has been described having too much power and influence over the government’s actions for an unelected official.
Recently media reports have described a conflict inside the Liberal Party between Ms Credlin and deputy PM Julie Bishop.
Ms Credlin’s husband, Brian Loughnane, is Director of the Liberal Party’s Federal Branch, a position Mr Entsch says gives the couple an undemocratic amount of power in government.
“I raised concerns years ago - I think it is a complete conflict of interest having the Federal Liberal Party director and the Chief of Staff, who are married,” he said.
“If you have problems with the PMO, it’s difficult to raise them with the Federal Secretariat. If you have problems with the Federal Secretariat, its difficult to raise them with the PMO.”
Mr Entsch was also very critical of the Prime Minister’s other statements to the media, many of which have been ridiculed nationally and abroad.
“Almost every bloody headline is coming out of his mouth, whether it’s shirt-front or whatever,” Mr Entsch said.