Teacher chalks up school's success to community involvement
Tuesday April 29 2014, 1:35pm
As a teacher at Port Douglas State School for almost two decades Alison Richardson says she gets called all sorts of names in the classroom.
"It's Mrs Richardson most of the time but I know many of the children so well that I do get called Alison sometimes," she says before adding, "I even get called mum occasionally too."
Alison's daughter, Grace, 10, is part of her mother's grade five class this year which she teaches part-time with another teacher.
The transition was strange at first Alison says but got easier as time marched on.
"I think we were both worried about certain things more than we should have, especially like your mother telling you what to do in front of your friends," she says.
"I'm lucky that I know so many of Grace's friends and they know that it's Allison at home and Mrs Richardson in the classroom.
"When it's learning time they're on the job and I'm on the job as well."
This week the school will celebrate a quarter of a century spent guiding young children into adolescence, most of which Alison has seen first-hand, both as a teacher and now a parent.
Ask her what the best thing about the school is and her answer is simple: "Location, location, location."
"This Friday we have our cross country," she says. "It's funny because how many other schools get to run their cross-country along Four Mile Beach like we do?"
"Having a beautiful school and a big yard where you can run around and let off steam is so important.
"It's lovely for them to go out and enjoy their surroundings."
Part of what makes the school great is the support it receives from the community and parents, in particular, Alison says.
"As a teacher, you always want more but we are very well-resourced," she says.
"We have a wonderful parents and citizens association.
"They talk to the staff and find out what we need which is great.
"For the children to go to a school of this size ... with around 280 students and 14 classrooms, that makes it a really nice environment to learn in."
Port Douglas State School is inviting the community celebrate their 25th anniversary on Saturday, May 3, 2014 at 4, Endeavour Street, Port Douglas from 2pm to 6:30pm.
The event will feature live music, class tours, an historical display, jumping castle and much more.