Scathed but unbroken: Mossman Gorge escapes the wrath of Ita

Scathed but unbroken: Mossman Gorge escapes TC Ita

Monday April 14 2014, 4:40pm

A far north Queensland Indigenous community came close to flooding and nearly lost its administrative offices as Tropical Cyclone Ita stormed through the region on the weekend.

Mossman Gorge's community services are managed Bamanga Bubu Ngadimunku [BBN].

The corporation's building had two trees smash into their verandah but the structure remains intact.

BBN's CEO Peterson Opio said the Mossman Gorge River also threatened to flood several homes.

"During its peak the river rose up to the back of a few of the community's houses but it didn't force an evacuation," Mr Opio said. 

"The community were prepared early on. All our disaster management strategies were implemented and I think for the most part, it's been quite successful."

Residences spent more than two days without power before they were reconnected on Monday Mr Opio said.

Landscapers and community members have started to clean debris but homes were not damaged during the cyclone.

"For us, it's all about cyclone clean up and that takes effect from tomorrow, we'll have all hands on deck," Mr Opio said.

The community's CEO praised the new Douglas Shire Council for a 'proactive' approach.

"They made sure that community members were aware of what was happening the whole time," he said. 

Mossman Gorge Visitor Centre remained closed on Monday but is expected to re-open on Tuesday.