Quicksilver to buy Poseidon
Quicksilver to buy Poseidon
Friday April 25 2014, 1:30pm

The Quicksilver Group and Peter and Barbara Wright of Poseidon have entered into an agreement for the sale of the well known Poseidon diving & snorkelling business based in Port Douglas.
Completion of the sale is expected to occur at the end of May 2014.
“The purchase of Poseidon is an exciting opportunity for the Quicksilver Group. Poseidon Cruises is a strong brand that will provide great synergies with our Quicksilver operations in Port Douglas. I see the acquisition of Poseidon, their Reef site permits, coach fleet along with the Reef Adventure Centre as a wonderful opportunity to reinforce Quicksilver’s and my commitment to highlighting the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef and to the long term future of the Port Douglas tourism industry” said Shin Watari, Chairman of the Quicksilver Group.
After years as pioneers in reef tourism in Tropical North Queensland, Owners Peter & Barbara Wright have chosen to formally retire and transfer ownership of Poseidon Cruises to Quicksilver Connections.
The highly successful Poseidon adventure started with expedition dive yacht “Scheherazade” in 1981 then upgraded to Poseidon 1, 2 & 3 specialising in snorkelling and diving at the renowned Agincourt Ribbon Reefs.
The Poseidon brand and product will continue to operate premium diving and snorkelling day trips to the Agincourt Outer Reefs under the management of the professional and very experienced Quicksilver team. Peter Wright said “We wish to thank our fantastic employees, agents and suppliers for the years of commitment, loyal service and support.”
Poseidon directors Steve & Katrina Edmondson will cease to manage Poseidon however will continue to own and operate their “Sailaway” Low Isles and Sunset Sailing business with luxury sailing catamarans based in The Reef Marina, Port Douglas.
Released by Quicksilver and Poseidon in a joint release dated 24 April 2014