New candidate Noli no armchair critic

Tuesday September 10 2013

New candidate Noli no armchair critic

Long-time Mossman resident and former pro-soccer player in Europe, Abigail Noli has seen the Douglas Shire change over the years.

“You look at things around the Shire and think, 'I'm not happy with that' or 'I don't like that decision',” Ms Noli told The Newsport. “I decided I can't complain about the decisions being made [by Council] if I sit back and do nothing.”

Ms Noli recently announced her intention to run for election to the new Douglas Shire Council. “I decided if I can help make a difference, then good. I think I have the logic, clear thinking and knowledge to be able to do it.

“I love the Shire, I always have loved it, and I hate to see it go downhill,” she said.  

Ms Noli echoed other intended candidates when asked about priorities if elected, listing “financially viable new Council”, though she said “that goes without saying. I think that’s Council’s job anyway.”

She said growing up in the shire, she often felt local youth “missed out on so many things because we were so isolated. We missed out on opportunities for work and sport.”

“I would like to push for opportunities to get people into the area, so we can help our youth decide the future path they're going to take,” she said.

Ms Noli described her political experience as “very little”, but said her background as a scientist, qualified teacher, and sports coach, plus extensive local knowledge and contacts, provide an ideal foundation for local council.

“A councillor's position is to advise, to think logically, to have a basis of info, to be honest and have integrity, and above all to communicate with the people in the Shire; to receive and give advice about what happening,” she explained.

“Also, it's very easy for me to communicate with the people because I know so many of them. I grew up in Mossman, but I have a wide friend base in Port Douglas and surrounding towns, like Miallo, Daintree, Whyanbeel.”

Ms Noli isn’t worried Local Government Minister David Crisafulli is yet to announce an election date. “What has to be done for the New Year, it's a lot of work but it's exciting, so who cares if you've got a lot of work to do in a small amount of time,” she said.