WHAT'S ON: Health and Wellbeing Expo

Thursday September 5 2013

Health & Wellbeing Expo 2013, Mossman, Oct 12

Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre, in conjunction with Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal, Cairns Regional Council and the Douglas Community Agency Network invites the community to be part of the Health & Wellbeing Expo Saturday October 12, 2013 at George Davis Park, Foxton Avenue, Mossman from 9am to 1pm.

The Expo, themed Healthy Mind, Body & Soul, coincides with Mental Health Week and aims to inform the community about various activities and services in Douglas promoting emotional and physical wellbeing and healthy and active lifestyles for families and individuals of all ages.

  • Health, Nutrition, Exercise;
  • Relaxation and Leisure;
  • Dance and Theatre;
  • Sport and Recreation;
  • Arts, Craft, Culture;
  • Volunteering

Stall holders will showcase their products and services by conducting demonstrations, come and try sessions and displaying brochures.

Stalls selling products or services on the day are requested to contribute $10 towards the Neighbourhood Centre’s Emergency Relief program. For stalls not selling items, there is no charge.

Stall Nomination forms are available from Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre, Cairns Regional Council Mossman Office, Mossman Library and Library Kiosk@Port and www.cairns.qld.gov.au, for completion and return by September 19, 2013.
For further information please email Tanya at cdw@pdnc.org.au or phone 4099 5518.