Search for region's best carollers

Thursday September 5 2013

Are you a talented caroller?

The search is on for the region’s most talented carollers, with the second annual Caroloke competition to be held at Cairns Central on October 6.

The competition aims to uncover new talent and bring an early taste of Christmas to Cairns, with the winner to take home a $1000 cash prize along with a booking to perform in front of more than 6000 people at the Cairns Carols by Candlelight.

“Last year’s winners Juliano and Gabriella Sabbadin were fantastic at Carols,” Mayor Bob Manning said.

“It’s always exciting to discover fresh local talent and we’re looking forward to seeing who this year’s competition uncovers.”

The competition is open to singers aged seven years or over and entry is free. To be eligible, entrants need to upload an audition video performance of their chosen carol or Christmas song to their choice of video-sharing websites and include the URL address on the registration form.

Entrants selected to perform at Cairns Central will be notified by phone.

Entries must be received by close of business on September 30 and can be submitted via Council’s website (click the link on the home page).