Queenslanders need to keep Tony Abbott on the leash

Saturday September 7 2013

Queenslanders need to keep Tony Abbott on the leash

Queenslanders need to keep Tony Abbott on the leash by not voting for the Katter or Palmer parties today, says Queensland Greens Senate candidate, Adam Stone.

If the Katter or Palmer party candidates win the sixth Senate seat in Queensland, Tony Abbott will gain effective control of both houses of parliament.

“The only way to defend the Senate and retain some accountability in the parliament is to vote Greens above the line, or number all of the boxes beneath the line,” Mr Stone said.

“Voting Greens is definitely not a wasted vote because if your first choice candidate does not get up, your vote will flow on to your next choice at its full value.

“This is not about who forms government but about the risk of one party having carte blanche to do whatever it likes for the next three years.

“Tony Abbott will be free to repeal the hard-won carbon price with its record investment in clean energy, to repeal the mining tax that could fund important social services like education and to stymie progressive reforms like an end to the cruel live animal export trade.”

Labor, the Democrats, the Stable Population Party and the Australian Independents are all preferencing the Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) in the Senate.

“Progressive voters who think they are defending the Senate by voting above the line for Labor or the Democrats will unwittingly tip the balance of the Senate in favour of Abbott thanks to the preference deals those parties have struck with the Katter Party.

“No party deserves complete control. That’s the whole point of having two houses of parliament.”