Port Douglas Crocs Match Report

Monday September 2 2013

Crocs go down by one kick

And they saved the best game until last. At Griffiths Park on Saturday, the Saints and Crocs staged a bone-crushing, nail-biting stoush, in which the pressure was unrelenting from first bounce to final siren.

In the words of the Richmond theme song ,"risking head and skin, we'll fight and fight and fight to win....." The Saints won it by a kick but the Crocs boys were not losers on the day.
With the aid of a strong wind the Saints slammed on 7 goals to 1 in the first quarter and it looked all over Red Rover, but the Crocs lifted their work rate in the second, manned up, found their team work and bored in. A seven goal to two quarter in the Crocs' favour. Even Stevens. Game on!
The Crocs fared even better into the wind in the third quarter. They increased their work rate even higher, played better, stronger, faster football and outscored their opponents six goals to four. In the last, the lead changed hands time and again with the Saints finally getting up by a kick. Two things told against the Crocs - inaccurate kicking for goal and Saints full-forward Matt Walsh kicking 11 goals.
It  was a brilliant team effort by the Crocs. Every player contributed mightily throughout the game. Craig Shaw had his best - his straight kicking brought up six goals. Daniel "Turtle" Cross, Rowan "Zinger" Hanley, Josh Hicks and Ben Saunders through the mid-field were stand-outs. Lukas Teasdale controlled the ruck and Dylan Wearmouth at half-back outplayed his opponent. Ben Young tore in for four great goals. Great stuff by everybody. The Crocs can look forward with great confidence to participating in the first semi-final next Saturday.  
The Crocs Reserves proved far too strong for their opponents and capped off a great home and away season with a convincing win. Alex Bendle, Scott Roberts, Sam Teakle, Chad Bertram and Mitch Nicholson were prominent all day and young gun Ethan McCullough rucked tirelessly. Senior coach Coops and Reserves coach Heff are to be congratulated on getting their teams into the finals this season.

Cazalys is the venue for the finals next Saturday.  Seniors match 1pm.  Reserves 6pm. The boys deserve your support. Please be there.




Saints 18-7- 115 def. Crocs 16-14-110.
Goals: Craig Shaw 6.  Ben Young 4.  Kurt Bradshaw 2.  Daniel Cross.  Michael McKeown. Ben Saunders.  Bradden Kazakoff.
Best: D. Cross.  C. Shaw.  J. Hicks. B. Saunders.  L. Teasdale.  D. Wearmouth

Saints 4-5-29 def. by Crocs 15-12-102.
Goals: T. Bowring 3.  J. Brown 3.  J. Morris 2.  A. Bendle.  H. Willis.  S. Roberts.  M. Nicholson.  A. Marks. J. Wilkie.  S. Evans.
Best: A. Bendle.  S. Roberts.  S. Teakle.  C. Bertram.  S. Ladd.  M. Nicholson