Half and Half a smashing success

Wednesday September 4 2013

‘Half & Half’ a smashing success

JUTE Theatre and Lone Star Company’s co-production of Daniel Keene’s ‘Half and Half’ opened last Friday night to an obviously rapt audience.

Critics have hailed the play as an insightful exploration into universal questions about the meaning of life, and applaud winning performances from stars Aaron Fa’Aoso and Jimi Bani, who received a well-deserved standing ovation from their opening night crowd.

The play, which explores the growing relationship between estranged brothers after the death of their mother, has, according to Glyn Davies (Arts Nexus), ‘a universal quality’,

You don’t have to be male to know and recognise that sense of longing. There is a universal quality here. Like the brothers, we all struggle to understand the meaning of our lives, the “Why am I here?’ question.   Davies goes on to commend Suellen Maunder’s direction, citing it as key to the production’s success

In a production that is technically very difficult to bring off, Suellen Maunder’s direction is sure-footed and sensitive. She has brought out the very best in her actors – and that’s really saying something.

Bani and Fa’Aoso, familiar to audiences from their appearances in television series such as ABC’s ‘The Straits’ are no strangers to critical acclaim and have both received numerous award nominations for their work.

‘The actors need no introduction and certainly did not fail to impress with their acting prowess’ writes Denise Carter (Cairns Post).

There were plenty of laughs, some good poignant moments, and the pair have such a good rapport onstage that they are a pleasure to watch.