Frank Frikker

Frank Frikker CD launch, Port Douglas, Sept 8

Local muso Frank Frikker is set to launch his new CD, Road Closed, this Sunday, September 8 on the Courtyard Music stage. 

After releasing his first album in 2011 and organising Port Unplugged for the past three years, Frikker offers Road Closed after two years in production. Plus, 10 musicians contribute their talent and creativity to the album.

Frikker settled in Douglas nine years ago, and quickly became a stalwart of the local music scene. The singer/songwriter said he "doesn't fit into any genre drawer", and "stories, lyrics and beautiful music" forming the crux of his work.

TICKETS $10 at the door.

TIME Show starts at 5:30pm, bar opens at 5pm.

Remember to bring a pillow as seating is on the timber stairs in the Clink's Courtyard.