September SCOOP

September 27, 2013

Local service honours fallen police officers


3.00pm Police officers around Australia, including from Port Douglas and Mossman, stopped to honour fallen comrades today, as part of National Police Remembrance Day Memorial Services.

Arguably one of the most important days on the policing calendar, Police Remembrance Day is a time for members of the Service and the community to remember, honour and say ‘thank you’ to the dedicated men and women who have died while on duty.

Port Douglas and Mossman officers and community members paid tribute at Saint Mary's By The Sea Church this morning at 10am.

This year, the Far North lost one of our own on March 29, when Constable Casey Blain was tragically killed in a single vehicle traffic crash near Georgetown whilst on duty. Two days later, Constable Gene Poole from Gordonvale Police passed away suddenly at home.

'With Honour We Serve'

September 20, 2013

Crisafulli: Nov 9 "strikes right balance"


8.00AM Queensland's Minister for Local Government, David Crisafulli says the November 9 local Council election date announced on Tuesday "strikes the right balance" between completing the de-amalgamation transfer processes and providing newly elected council representatives enough preparation time to "hit the ground running". 

Mr Crisafulli said in a Government News report that council de-amalgamation processes across the state, including Douglas, are going well.

“People in each of the four areas sent a clear message that they wanted their local council back and it’s their responsibility to choose who will best lead their communities into the future,” Mr Crisafulli said in a Opens external link in new windowGovernment News report.

The November 9 date means the subsequently elected Douglas Shire mayor and four councillors will have just over 50 days before the Douglas Shire Council takes control on January 1 next year. Shire locals have questioned whether such a short lead time is enough for the elected representatives to form as a united team.  

September 17, 2013

Date set for Douglas Shire Council election


9.40AM The Queensland State Minister for Local Government, David Crisafulli MP today announced the Douglas Shire Local Council election will be held on Saturday,  November 9 2013.

Mayoral and Councillor candidates will be able to nominate once the Electoral Commission Queensland advises of a 'call to election'. For more information, visit the Opens external link in new windowECQ website.