North Qld Indigenous Land and Sea Grants funding

Thursday September 18 2013

North Qld Indigenous Land and Sea Grants funding

North Queensland Indigenous communities are being urged to apply for Queensland Government grants to sustainably manage natural and cultural resources on their land.

Environment and Heritage Protection Minister Andrew Powell said $500,000 was available under the Newman Government’s North Queensland Indigenous Land and Sea Grants to help support on-ground management of land and sea resources.

“The Newman Government has expanded the program, previously only open to Indigenous communities in the Cape York region, to include North Queensland,” Mr Powell said.

“The program enables skills development, the passing on of knowledge between generations, protection and improvement of natural resources, preservation of heritage values and jobs for the local community.”

Mr Powell said the grants program complemented the successful Queensland Indigenous Land and Sea Ranger program which funded indigenous rangers working in remote communities.

“One of the key objectives of the grants program is to provide support to Indigenous communities so they are better prepared to host land and sea rangers in the future,” he said.

“Rangers provide assistance for natural resource management and many rangers are also traditional owners of the land on which they work.

“From the $500,000 available for the Queensland Indigenous Land and Sea Grant program, grants of up to $50,000 are available for eligible projects.”

Further information about how to apply for the North Queensland Indigenous Land and Sea Grants program and examples of previous successful grant projects are available at

The closing date for applications is 31 October 2013 and successful applicants will be announced by the end of the year.