Local crime spree

Tuesday September 17 2013

Investigation into local vandalism spree

Port Douglas police are investigating a spate of vandalism around Macrossan and Wharf Streets over the past few days.

On Sunday evening, a car parked on Macrossan St was broken into. Unknown offenders spray painted graffiti on the vehicle, plus nearby property and three other vehicles.

On the same night, a car parked on Wharf Street near Salsa Bar and Grill was also broken into. The car's owner reported that she had discovered her personal property on the street near the car on Monday morning, though luckily, it appeared nothing was stolen.

On Monday, unknown offenders forced their way into Macrossan Street's Cafe Ecco in the early hours, causing a large amount of damage inside and out, including setting fire to debris in a ground floor rear entrance. Police believe the offenders fled with an amount of alcohol stolen from the premises.

Devra King, owner of Cafe Ecco's neighbouring business Whileaway Bookstore, said according to her staff, "Whileaway has been unaffected, thank goodness. It's really only café Ecco that has received the abuse. It's a terrible thing and I hope the police catch them soon."

Meanwhile, unknown offenders set fire to two bins at Port Douglas Park in the early hours of Monday morning, before attempting to break into to a number of vehicles at the park. The two offenders, described as Caucasian males with foreign accents, were disturbed attempting to gain entry to a campervan and fled the scene.

It's not known whether the incidents are related, and police are urging residents to be vigilant with home and vehicle security, and to report suspicious behaviour.