Mossman Bowls Club Report

Wednesday October 9 2013

Mossman Bowls Club Results

Doreen’s Day was held last week at Mossman Bowls Club with many thanks to Peter and Loretta Ponzo for sponsoring the day.

The winners were Glenise Sharp, Maria Mijo and Janice Brlyack. Runners-up were Kay McDonald, Zina Girgenti and Greta Burke/ Kaye Dean.
The encouragement award went to Robyn Petrus, Dorothy Slater and Betty McClelland, while the raffle winner was Glenise Sharp.

Tomorrow (Thursday) is meeting day with bowls at 1.30pm. This month’s selectors are Maree Crees and Janice Brlyack.

In social bowls on Saturday A Valentine, Rangi and E Smith def. J Bremmer, R Edwards and P Gorsuch 16-13, A Christie, G Marsh and Kiwi defeated C Andreassen, Zilly and D Blain 30-15 and the day went to B Kerridge and L Valentine who stole the meat trays defeating B Hando and Swampy 34-17.
The Super Challenge will be played in Mossman this Friday evening commencing at 6pm, so come along and support our locals and witness some legendary bowlers do their thing.

Next Saturday will be social jackpot bowls as usual so register by midday to enjoy a great afternoon of competition and entertainment.