Douglas Shire Council candidate profile: Ken Dobbs

Friday October 11 2013

Former Carnivale manager in council run

Ken Dobbs and his wife moved to Port Douglas 18 years ago from Newcastle after his 28-year career with Telstra, much of it in a senior management role. 

For the next 12 years he worked in the tourism industry as owner/manager of a tourist accommodation business in Port Douglas and during this period became involved with numerous organisations and community groups.

After selling the business in 2007, Mr Dobbs devoted much of his time to the Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce and performed a managing role for Port Douglas Carnivale.

His experience also includes Chairman of Port Douglas Daintree Tourism, Chairman of Douglas Iconic Panel, a member of the Douglas Advisory Board, a member of Waterfront Management Committee and President Accommodation Association (now ARAMA).

Of his councillor candidacy run, Mr Dobbs said “The challenges of creating a new and sustainable council are significant, particularly on the economic front. I have always played an active role in community issues, particularly in relation to the business and tourism areas. I will work toward ensuring our new council has the best chance of sustainable economic growth.”

Moving forward, he said he envisions the Douglas Shire as unique, “reflecting the natural assets of our two world heritage areas with a relaxing lifestyle, vibrant community, sustainable economy and a safe and enjoyable environment  in which to work and play.”

If elected, Mr Dobbs said his main priority "will be to create a financially viable council that can deliver the services the community needs in the most efficient way. We will need to look at our requirements for capital works to determine how we can fund a works program to meet future requirements.

"Essential early priorities include cutting red tape, reviewing water policies, improving the presentation of our towns and beaches and adopting strategies to ensure the viability of our tourism and agricultural industries.

“I will support a chemical free water supply if it can be achieved to a standard acceptable to Queensland Health at minimal cost to the ratepayers.

“The upgrade of the Port Douglas Waterfront is a project requiring financial support from State and Federal Governments as well as Council. Funding from all these sources will be limited in the short term, so only incremental progress will be possible in the next few years.

"I cannot see any way we can proceed with the lagoon pool as the annual maintenance cost of around $1 million will be beyond the financial capacity of the new Council. The progress so far in demolishing the old buildings has been very effective in opening up the area and I don’t see much progress beyond this for several years.”

Further policy platform:

  • A balanced approach on all issues;
  • Accept the views of others and try to achieve consensus;
  • Minimise red tape;
  • Preserve the Douglas Shire Planning Scheme;
  • Ensure basic services are provided to community expectations.
  • Limit rate increases;
  • Increase productivity and minimise waste;
  • Use local people and resources for Council contracts where competitive;
  • Equitable policies for businesses, residents and investors;
  • Equal representation of Port Douglas, Mossman and Daintree areas;
  • Strengthen and enforce vegetation management by-laws.
  • Support tourism and agriculture as the two key industries;
  • Support diversification into new industry sectors;
  • Open and transparent decision-making;
  • Communicate with the community using electronic and face to face contact
  • Build better communities through consultation and Council support.



Ken Dobbs can be contacted at, via or