Fishers rescued from blazing boat / Newsport

Wednesday October 16 2013

Fishers rescued from blazing boat

Fishers on a heavy tackle game fishing charter were lucky to escape injury yesterday when the vessel they had spent the day fishing on caught fire.

Seven fisherman and crew aboard the upmarket fishing charter vessel, Little Audrey of Sydney Game Fishing Club, were returning to Port Douglas when smoke began to billow from the engine room.

Fire crews, ambulance crews and police were called to Dickson Inlet around Port Douglas Sugar Wharf at approximately 5.30pm, where a dinghy was deployed to rescue all on board.

Officer in charge of Port Douglas Fire and Rescue, Wayne Postlewaight, said all escaped injury and smoke inhalation.

“We couldn’t do much as it arrived, except hit it with fire retardant foam,” he said.

The charter boat was towed back to Port Douglas Marina by Port Douglas fishing charter company, Reel Chase, where it remained this morning as it was being inspected by investigators to determine the cause of the fire.

It is expected the 40-foot game fishing vessel will undergo a total refit.