Coral Reef fin fish off limits

Tuesday October 29 2013

Coral reef fin fish off limits

Coral reef fin fish will be off limits from midnight 30 October to midnight 4 November - the second of two annual closures that protect these fish during the spawning season.

Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol (QBFP) district officer, Geoff Fergusson, said the closures were vital to protect fish at an important time in their life cycle.

"The closures coincide with the new moon when key coral reef fish species aggregate to spawn,” he said.

Mr Fergusson said QBFP officers will be out patrolling Queensland waters over the spawning season.

"Fishers need to remember that they should not take and possess coral reef fin fish species during the closure period,” he said.

“Coral reef fin fish include cods and groupers, emperors, parrotfishes, sweetlips, wrasses, coral trout, fusiliers, surgeonfishes, tropical snappers and sea perches.

“A reef fish web guide is available online at to help fishers identify fish listed as coral reef fin fish.

“Officers will be conducting regular patrols and those found doing the wrong thing are risking an on-the-spot fine of $440 and a maximum penalty of $110,000.”

The closures are in place from the tip of Cape York in the north, to Bundaberg in the south (the southern boundary is at latitude 24º50'S). The eastern boundary of the closure is the same as the eastern boundary of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

For more information on fishing closures in Queensland visit or call 13 25 23 or follow Fisheries Queensland on Facebook and Twitter (@FisheriesQld).