$220 fine for illegal campers

Friday October 25 2013

$220 fine for illegal campers

Cairns Council is moving to curb the growing trend of illegal camping, today announcing on-the-spot fines for offenders caught in the Cairns CBD and Esplanade precinct.

Mayor Bob Manning said $220 fines would be issued to first-time and repeat offenders as of tomorrow, October 26.

“Illegal camping, especially in the Cairns Esplanade precinct, is a growing problem and it has become clear that verbal warnings are just not effective. We need to address this with actions, not just words,” Cr Manning said.

“We regularly receive complaints from the public about illegal camping – there is a feeling in the community that something needs to be done.

“From tomorrow, anyone caught camping on the streets, parklands or anywhere else other than a designated camping area will be handed a $220 fine.

Cr Manning stressed the move is not intended to deter self-drive tourists.
Earlier this year, Council announced improvements to RV infrastructure in the city.

“This includes providing designated RV parking areas in the city and other parts of the region,” Cr Manning said. “These improvements are being implemented to make it easier for visitors to access businesses, attractions and services in popular areas.”

Though the news is positive news for Cairns, illegal camping will likely continue unhindered elsewhere in the region. A Council spokesperson said the fines policy doesn’t extend beyond the Cairns CBD and Esplanade precinct.

“Patrols will continue as normal in all other areas of the region and officers will continue to respond to complaints,” said Cairns Regional Council spokesperson Lea Guy.  

The Newsport reported in April this year, Port Douglas’ peak season annually attracts scores of campervans and temporary homemakers, but measures to address the issue continue to be stalled by an already stretched local police force and lack of council presence.

“Illegal camping is a big issue for far too long in Douglas and particularly north of the river as well as Port Douglas and the beaches,” said Division 10 Cr Julia Leu.

“Not only does it come at a cost to local businesses who provide good camping facilities, but people are using pristine areas as their own toilet and this leads to pollution.

“I would like to see the new Douglas Shire Council introduce fines, possibly even more than the Cairns Regional Council fine of $220.

“I’m aware there was a recent initiative in New Zealand that has reduced illegal camping there, as they are imposing fines of $1000 fines - that deters illegal campers. We also need to introduce fines at a level that will deter illegal camping.

“What the new DSC will have to do is have a thorough investigation into the effectiveness of providing the fines, the pros and cons, the costs involved and what extra council resources would be required.

“It may need a blitz to get the word out over a specific period of time, and adequate signage, and we have looked into the possibilities of overflow camping spaces in peak times.

“We want an inviting area for campers to visit to encourage them to contribute to the economy, and like any other tourist, that they’re paying their way.

“We have to be RV-friendly, not necessarily RV-free.”